Karen Schifano
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- Set Design for Counterpoint 6
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- Share...Articles and Reviews"Like a Love Letter, FAWC Exhibition is Full of Feeling", by Abraham Storer, The Provincetown Independent,
Aug. 3, 2023"Flagellation of the Female Samboe Slave and Other Poems", Monique Adelle Callahan D., art by Karen Schifano, Evergreen Review, S/S issue, 2022"Exhibition Spotlights Photographers Who Enjoy Instagram", Albany Times Union, Amy Griffin, March 6, 2019"Karen Schifano: American Colonial", essay by Chris Ashley for his curatorial and writing project, Some Walls, Summer, 2014"Summer Solos Part 4: Karen Schifano", Joanne Mattera Art blog post on Melville House Gallery exhibition, 8/7/14"Bulletin Board: Inspiration Information", a Minus Space ViewList project by Karen Schifano, 7/21/09"Incongruous Associations and Visceral Urges: An Interview with the sculptor Fawn Krieger by Karen Schifano", 9/2/09Selected Website ListingsBooks and CataloguesDouble Vision:Artists Who Instagram, catalog for exhibition at The Teaching Gallery, Hudson Valley Community College, Troy, NY, 2019Doppler Shift catalog, essays by Mary Birmingham and Thomas Micchelli, NJ Center for the Visual Arts, 2014"Ghosts in the Machine" #1, 2024, flashe on canvas, 11 x 14 inches
Private Collection
All images copyright Karen Schifano An icompendium Site